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And, now a word from our sponsors . . .
Actually, we don’t have sponsors or sponsored content. We don’t accept payment for any content on our website. The opinions expressed on this website are our own as we are independently owned and operated.
Our goal is to help you protect your online privacy by providing valuable content and resources.  Some of that content includes links to products or resources we believe to be the best of the best. Please note, we have not been given any free products, services, or anything else by these companies in exchange for mentioning them on this site. But, if you click on one of those links and choose to purchase the product or service, the provider may pay us an affiliate commission.
The content we provide on this site is not determined by our partnerships. Actually, we have no relationship with many resources we have links to – we simply think they are the very best privacy products and services available. And, should you decide to make a purchase using one of our links, your price will not be affected at all.
Any affiliate commissions earned help keep the lights on, this website going and the office pet’s treat jar full, so we truly appreciate your support!